Recent content by SpiritJourney

  1. S

    Is anyone familiar with the Magic Jack phone jack?

    If so, what is your opinion? Did you like it?
  2. S

    I know this is going to sound selfish and sound like im just complaining. But...

    My heart goes out to you. At your age and going through what you are has to suck. My advice to you is to go to your school counselor or advisor. I'm sure there must be one at your school. How about an adult you feel close to and trust? Just know that you're not alone in your feelings of...
  3. S

    how do i know when my first period is coming?

    There will be a few indications. You might experience breast tenderness and cramping. You may experience some days of a brownish discharge.
  4. S

    girllssss! so i haven't gotten my period in 2 months!?

    Orgasms can often start it if it's time. Sex can as well. Other than that, nothing else that I know of.
  5. S

    girllssss! so i haven't gotten my period in 2 months!?

    Orgasms can often start it if it's time. Sex can as well. Other than that, nothing else that I know of.
  6. S

    what is this??woman only please ?

    You could be getting ready to start your period. If you had sex two weeks ago, that would have been around your fertile time and you could be pregnant if you didn't use precautions. Most women ovulate between day 10 and day 15 of their cycles, counting the first day of the period as day one...
  7. S

    what is this??woman only please ?

    You could be getting ready to start your period. If you had sex two weeks ago, that would have been around your fertile time and you could be pregnant if you didn't use precautions. Most women ovulate between day 10 and day 15 of their cycles, counting the first day of the period as day one...
  8. S

    Do I need an appointment to pick up pills at Planned Parenthood?

    Call them ahead of time and find out. I would think they would appreciate a phone call if for no other reason than to have them ready for you when you get there. Kudos to you for being responsible!
  9. S

    what should i eat for dinner? healthy!? help! read on please!!!?

    Try a chicken breast, a baked potato with a small amount of a reduced fat spread on it and if you like sour cream on it, get the fat free version. Also try a tossed salad with fat free dressing.
  10. S

    home test negative but no periods yet and now pain bcum dull?

    It's up to you. Any one of those are options. Personally speaking, I'd give it another two weeks.
  11. S

    does screaming your lungs out/oversinging every day from childhood until...

    I personally have never heard of this, but it seems within the realm of possibility. I would think in order to do damage though you'd have to strain your vocal cords daily for a prolonged period of time... I'm curious to know what in the world would cause you to do this? People's voices do...