Recent content by Spiketthewonderdogt

  1. S

    What did you do growing up without Cells , Computers , TVs & other modern gizmo's as

    The only time I can remember being in the house for leisure was reading after dinner and watching about 2 hrs of cartoons on saturday morning. Space Ghost,Johnny Quest,Roadrunner,etc.
  2. S

    What did you do growing up without Cells , Computers , TVs & other modern gizmo's...

    The only time I can remember being in the house for leisure was reading after dinner and watching about 2 hrs of cartoons on saturday morning. Space Ghost,Johnny Quest,Roadrunner,etc.
  3. S

    Where is it written that people must feel sorry for others who whine &...

    I know what you mean. I got a letter from the World Wildlife Fund. They want me to adopt a polar bear. If a half ton carnivore can't take care of it self then what are those people going to do? Feed them baby seals?