Recent content by Spike

  1. S

    Anyone up for MLB Trivia #2?

    D. Braves Score was Braves 16 Phillies 4
  2. S

    I am thinking about having my SUV painted at maaco.?

    Don't go there. They did my Chevy pick up a few years back. They really did a horrible job. The left runs in the paint, one spot that looked like something rubbed against the paint while it was wet.
  3. S

    Since it's Nationwide Opening Day, what are your season predictions?

    AL East 1. Yankees 2. Red Sox 3. Jays 4. Rays 5. O's AL Central 1. Tigers 2. Indians 3. Royals 4. Twins 5. White Sox AL West 1. Rangers 2. Angels 3. Mariners 4. A's NL East 1. Phillies 2. Marlins 3. Braves 4. Nats 5. Mets NL Central 1. Reds 2. Brewers 3. Cards 4. Cubs 5. Pirates 6. Astros NL...
  4. S

    Are there any american sports bikes?

    is there any american sports bikes out there? are they any good?
  5. S

    does anyone know if nintendo plans to release a traditional pokemon game for the 3ds?

    As popular Pokemon is then Eventually yes
  6. S

    Survey: Do you think Y!A should have more levels?

    7 seems kinda low.........What about 100?
  7. S

    When was the last time you laughed to yourself over something stupid you witnessed ?

    When I was trying to recreate that famous "THE MOLE" monologue, - by the legendary Brummie comic, ROBERT NORMAN DAVIS, (better known, perhaps, by the STAGE NAME, of JASPER CARROTT. It's a good job, I took a fresh set of clothes, with me. I DO wear glasses, - for READING, and TV watching
  8. S

    Bob Dylan or The Beatles?

    They're both legendary,and they're inspired a lot of singers.But,who's better?And why?
  9. S

    what is a fast cheap sports bike?

    im looking for my first bike. im not a very big guy so i dont need a very big bike i just need something thats fast and 3-5 grand cheap any suggestions?
  10. S

    if liquid comes out onto one of the vents in a brief spray from canned air into

    a power supply is it dead? I took my power supply out to give it a good cleaning because it was really dusty and some liquid came out of the canned air because I kinda of shook it while i was spraying in an up n' down motion. It was a brief spray and I am not sure what to do now. I don't know if...
  11. S

    Know any good news articles about online chatting/dating murders or something good

    that's come of it? I'm doing an essay on the Pros and Cons of Online chatting/dating and was wondering if anyone knew some links to some good stories involving it. I keep finding suicides, only found 2 murders so far and nothing good coming from online chatting/dating at the moment. Some news...
  12. S

    Does a U.S Blue-Ray movie works in a European (Italy) PS3?

    NO unless it is ABC, which means ALL regions. Europe is Region B. Region A is U.S., Hong Kong, Taiwan, Canada and Central and South America. Someone here on Yahoo Answers answered a question, saying the industry have come to an agreement and start making all Blu-Rays Region Free which is ABC...
  13. S

    the jews do not believe jesus was the messiah because he did not fulfill...

    a few months back when Judgement Day didnt happen, Harold Camping backpedaled, and said "it was a SPIRITUAL judgement day" same kind of deal with the promised Messiah, Jesus... he reigns over Israel SPIRITUALLY. (except, he doesn't, actually, ...he reigns over western religion)
  14. S

    Can I travel from Greece to France using my British driving licence?

    No, even if you drive you will need your passport to get into the Shwengen area of the EU. I doubt you will be able to cross any border out of Greece without it.
  15. S

    What made the loud popping noise under the hood of my 2001 Chrysler Concorde?

    I went to start the car, we heard a noise similar to a fire cracker, then smoke came from the hood. We haven'tt tried to start it again. The smoke smelled of sulfur. It happened during the initial turning of the ignition.Since it has stopped smoking. Any suggestions on what that was?