Recent content by SoloDolo1

  1. S

    POLL: Do you like lamb (cooked)?

    Ya i cool if it atleast once a week now
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    What's it mean if a black guy says "Pause no homo" when he speaks? My sisters...

    Oh my god im so embarassed for myself i hate when brothas do this she should ditch him. Its a way of showing hes not gay by saying something that remotely has no ties with being gay.... He obviously is t educated why brothas gitta do this to us
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    How do you ask a girl for forgiveness after making a stupid joke?

    buy her a Big Mac...i hear that girls love this.
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    Who wants to Trade their Munna for my Snivy?

    Buy or Sell: This song... > Tupac - Changes
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    NRHH: Did you cop Bambi on DVD yet?

    BQ: fav disney movie?
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    Buy or Sell: Gizmo and Nas go together like Big Boi and Andre 3K? what do u think? lol
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    what are the DVD/VHS combo that could record from vhs to dvd called?

    i dont have any info.
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    are the samsung cell phones good?

    im thinking of buying a SAMSUNG CCDE, but i don't really know if the quality of the camera is good, its also a 4g any info. would help me....
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    Buy or Sell: Best I Ever Had > Any song off of Thank Me Later?

    Drake is getting to poppish for my liking. Sure, I'll like a beat like Find Your Lover in MODERATION, but over half the album was full of R&B and autotune. And now hearing his first single off the new mixtape I don't think it's gonna change: BQ: Buy Or Sell: Man On The Moon 2 will sell 500000+...
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    nba 2010-11 predictions?

    MVP: Kevin Durant DPOTY: Josh Smith Rookie: DeMarcus Cousins MIP: ?? Sixth Man: Jamal Crawford Champions: Magic