Recent content by Sol

  1. S

    Do blackberry phone apps same as android?

    No they don't have the same apps...
  2. S

    The Columbus Zoo (pictures)

    all the animals look lazy their all laying down.
  3. S

    Which company has better signal in Mexico? Is it Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, or t mobile?

    Which company has better signal in Mexico? Is it Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, or t mobile? do not know which one has better signal
  4. S

    david cook won

  5. S

    state of affairs....

    Yeah. Iran still has its share of internal problems but it alos has significant potential as a stabalising force in the region as a whole. The U.S however, if it continues the same pattern of geopolitics (and it will), can only bring further instability. Tehran's invitation (had it been...
  6. S

    Remembering 9/11

    50% of the people don't believe the gov't story. What exactly does that mean? For instance...I don't believe the gov't is telling the truth. I also don't believe the gov't orchestrated the 9/11 attack. Why is it you are lumping me in with the idiots from Loose Change?
  7. S

    WASPKnife Should I buy one?

    I believe these are illegal. And they seem to be marketed as a dive knife...
  8. S

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Stupid man! Haven't you yet learned to anticipate excuses to go shopping? It is vital to recognise situations and scenarios that will lead to shopping trips. If you don't you will be made to go a long. You will be dragged round every single shop in 3 or more shopping malls just to return to the...
  9. S

    Christians: Do you really want to see people who didnt accept your god suffer?

    No, I do not want to see anyone suffer. Christians preach God's Word specifically to keep people from suffering. And no, we will not have a front row seat (or any seat) to see it.
  10. S

    Combining GNC Hair, Skin, And Nails Formula(3000Mcg of Biotin)with prenatal

    vitamins.okay?Will it help Hello! I have been taking for about a week or 2 Nature Bounty's prenatal vitamins with omega 3, I'm 19. I started taking the vitamins after my mom's doctor recommended them for me when she switched my mom's prescription to something else (she's...
  11. S

    2nd Amendment Ruling

    The problem with this is that it has been proven that a gun in less effective at a range of 30 feet or closer than a knife. If rushed by several people Cho would have been taken down easier if he had a gun than a knife statistically. A knife requires no reload and has multiple angles of attack...
  12. S

    What is the song DirecTV is using in channel 101 promo for 2011?

    It's a rock-blues type song and you can hear the lyrics "...down my spine...,'' as the programming commercial comes to an end. Any clues? Thanks.
  13. S

    Can my work request a meeting to discuss my absence when I am signed off with stress?

    Yes your company has a right to ask for a meeting, it was standard procedure where I worked, but you don't have to deal with your boss, the meeting should be with someone from your companies HR department. You should also be able to insist on a union rep/workmate being there in the meeting.
  14. S

    cracked screen for lg dare?

    Originally my screen was cracked. The background was black with like one spiderweb crack pattern that was brigherr than the rest of the screen. I still could not see an of the images or real color on the screen. I bought a replacement screen and now all I see is a black screen. I do notice...