Recent content by Snowth

  1. S

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Perhaps Israel, has been planning this attack for some time, but the presence of Syrian Troops had prevented them. Syrian Troops have left Lebanon and Israel has taken advantage of this and launched brutal attacks against Lebanion. Perhaps the withdrawal of Syrian Troops has been premature, if...
  2. S

    To anyone who has been in a long term relationship. Am I a controlling BF?

    Hey, I said the saaame thing as Miss Auntie Pink, just a lot shorter, in one sentence actually : P. That's the difference between us males and females (or maybe just somebody a bit wiser with more experience to get their words across better ) I know my first post sounded like a male pig but...
  3. S

    Ignore List

    There is something on another site I use that PMs the person if you are adding them to your buddy list so they can add you to theirs. As far as I know, there is no way of knowing if you are on somebody's ignore list or if they are just ignoring you themselves.
  4. S

    Funny Knockoffs and Counterfeits (pics)

    its like all the shit your grandparents get you for christmas....
  5. S

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Was on youtube this morning watching a video of a young girl being cute, as young children tend to be. I leave a comment to say she's really cute and out of curiosity asked her age, and get barraged by comments accusing me of being a paedophile :| Kinda crapped on my morning.
  6. S

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    I made a mistake saying the majority. The wiki article does give examples of Zimmerman calling in a young person who escaped, and one of two young black people who broke into a house one of whom was later ID'd by Zimmerman
  7. S

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Plus, I'm not aware of any evidence that karate makes people more likely to unlawfully injure others.
  8. S

    Would you smash Sarah Palin?

    Not quite...
  9. S

    Hypothetical situation

    get off my tip grammer nazis.
  10. S

    The Trolling Thread

    Haha, I got one! "Hi, my name is Billy and I do BJJ. I get a boner every time I roll with my training-buddies, am I normal?" or this one "Hi, My wife is insisting that we use my gi for roleplaying. If I do it, does that make me a LARPER!? P.S Any good way to get staines off your gi? Since...
  11. S

    British English

    As wing chun is a southern Chinese martial art the terms are in Cantonese. Koryu jujitsu terms will be in Japanese. It seems like a pretty simple concept. Although maybe it's just harder to change from certain English dialect to foreign languages as you mentioned. And I am talking wing chun...
  12. S

    Best state in country? which one?

    make your own list then.
  13. S

    Lucas seeks new ways to ruin Iconic trilogy

    Better still,get Shane Meadows to direct it and base it in Nottingham.
  14. S

    Do you enjoy doing things alone?

    I really enjoy doing things alone, but it depends on the things, i like gardening alone and yard work alone, and spending days lone but i don't like sleeping alone , or walking, or watching movies in the theater alone