Recent content by smokey_bearme

  1. S

    how do you change a 4 cylinder jeep to a Chevy 350?

    i have a 87 cj 7 frame and running gears but i want it to be a 350 not a 4 cylinder, does anybody have any good websites to do that simple conversion
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    how to change the screen on a Verizon g'z one boulder?

    i cracked it, and i mange to get another screen but have know clue how to change
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    what are common promblems with a saturn sl2 ?

    my saturn burns oil and smokes really bad after long trip like after 2 hours and sometimes 2nd gear doenst want to enage are these common problems with a 02 saturn sl2
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    Over 15 Songs written about the Pontiac GTO, what is your favorite?

    can you name them off so we could ppick
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    i need to get a car do u think a bmw or a h3?

    there both good cars but both gas hogs you should go with something more gas economic