Recent content by Smithy

  1. S

    Honesty for the above person

    Yes, quite, I was looking at stuff on the interweb whilst posting...
  2. S

    Help with a plot point in my story?

    I'd say Sterilizing, and isolation from the normal society (maybe just through a mark on the arm or something, (something showing they are different)), I think that the boy and the girl will find each other in love but not able to express it well before near the ending. Oh btw, I love your idea :)
  3. S

    Old But Disturbing Story!

    As the Nike commercial states Sgt_Major: JUST DO IT!
  4. S

    Why is this no surprise? Idiots... just idiots

    All the Pakistanis I know have Scottish accents. Do you get foreign Pakistanis as well?
  5. S

    ice cream sandwiches

    they are ok... not the best but still good...
  6. S

    its hailing in new york

    throw down?
  7. S

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Best offer I've had in a while!
  8. S

    Delete all your porn and stop fappin, Ban the Hand!

    lol@people you hate, those people are win.
  9. S

    Strategies for dealing with negative thoughts and depression.

    So can I answer the thread the way I want too?
  10. S

    Real life superheroes

    Phonix Jones has been arrested.
  11. S

    What Mel Gibson movie do you have in your personal DVD collection?

    Lethal weapon box set, mad max box set and payback
  12. S

    Customer service horror stories

    I have a story at thecomplete opposite end of the spectrum. Many years ago my sister bought a hi-fi system from Dixons (remember them?). Well it broke and I said I would return it to the store. The system was boxed and off I went, all set for verbal fistycuffs. I walked into the store and...
  13. S

    video google your school and see what comes up

    we got a sick skate video of these 2 obviously professional skateboarders (with an obviously professional production crew) skatin our school
  14. S


    Yep - I try to keep it as infrequent as possible, but they aren't bad - I don't mind an occasional trip to Hardee's either. Ug Rough
  15. S

    Poll: Obsessed lightly or deeply?

    Neither now ... but it was deeply for a while there.