Recent content by slaarwalhz

  1. S

    How to get out of a Cellphone Contract?

    I have a family plan with Verizon. Our Contracts end on 05/2012. We have 3 phones, and 2 are smart phones. I am very unsatisfied with the phones themselves, constantly having hardware/software failure. Our reception has been great, but the phones never work, and only get replaced with other...
  2. S

    whats the best sex song >?

    Well depends on what you like. Every time I listen to Linkin Park, I want to have sex with my husband. Lol. It was the music playing the first time we had sex. So... your tastes may be different.
  3. S

    Did I just have a premonition about the mother who was murdered and her fetus was...

    My thoughts are either 1) you made it up, or 2) you had a premonition. Either way I can not honestly take your word for it that you did , because you're on the internet so how can I trust you. =P
  4. S

    Did I just have a premonition about the mother who was murdered and her...

    My thoughts are either 1) you made it up, or 2) you had a premonition. Either way I can not honestly take your word for it that you did , because you're on the internet so how can I trust you. =P
  5. S

    Question about my Verizon Wireless Family Plan, and the Unlimited Text Messaging?

    My Fiance, his sister, and I are on a family plan.. We have unlimited Texting becuase we text a LOT. But our sister started getting well nearly stratight Ds and Fs.. she is 16. Are we able to temporarily turn off her Text messaging for a while? I do not want to change to T-mobile just to do that...
  6. S

    My brother died & his wife won't let myself or my wife see our nephew and neice do...

    No, legally she is the mother and so there is no "visitation rights".
  7. S

    Should I get a PSP or A Zune with my Tax Return?

    I want to play Final Fantasy Crisis Core very much.. But I also Need a larger Zune... My zune would go to good use, my mom needs one really bad. So if I got a 120gb it would do me good. Mine is currently full of great music and anime. I prefer it over previous iPods I have owned. (I don't wanna...
  8. S

    internet connection issue with xbox 360?

    Probably the cable, but if not possibly the modem. Call your ISP and set up and appt. and get them to check the connectivity. You could have sucky connectivity. I have trouble watching Netflix on my Wifi with my x box. it just says my connectivity slowed. So my quality is horrible.
  9. S

    why do i want to eat healthy?

    You know healthy food makes you feel good inside. it also tastes good. At least thats what I think. I want to eat healthy, but its hard to get someone to take me to buy the stuff.
  10. S

    Bluetooth passcode? 0000 doesn't work. 1234 doesn't work.?

    Its 1111. Yes im sure.
  11. S

    Does Slimquick Really help More when I am already Eating Healthy and Exercising?

    I am doing 30 minutes of exercise a day. I just started so Its not much exercise but as I get healthier I can exercise more. So far I do about 10-15 Minutes on Yoga, about 10 Minutes on Strength Training, and The remaining time on Aerobics or Cardio, such as Jogging, Hula Hoop, and mini games...
  12. S

    I am 21, and want to practice driving with my mom or boyfriend, but I have a

    problem.? SO I am 21. I have not got my license yet. I have my permit. I would like to start practicing to drive. But I get panic attacks. the last time I tried to practice we just drove around my city. I almost hit a center divider on a busy street. Since then, I have been too scared to drive...
  13. S

    How do you feel about T-Mobile?

    I currently have Verizon Wireless and Love it, but I wish I had web browsing, and I have always loved the look of sidekicks. So how is your coverage, customer service, and overall thoughts on T-Mobile? And if you already had verizon wireless, which do you prefer? I could say that about an iPod...
  14. S

    how old did you start your period ladies?

    I was 12. And slept on the couch that night... i made a mess ! yucK! some girls who are very underweight and have always been, might start later. But its ok, you are only 15. If you are worried, go to the doctor.
  15. S

    Are there any women out there on Implanon? The Arm Implant Birth Control?

    Implanon the arm implant birth control. I have been on it for almost 1 year. And my periods tend to last 2-4 weeks... Is this strange? Also my cramps are rediculous. Has anyone else had any problems with Implanon like this? And aside from seeing my Gyno which I will do soon. Is there anything I...