Recent content by SirLBJ

  1. S

    Why does American news feature highly in the British media>?

    is it just down to the special relationship? Views tvm. merry chrimbo all.
  2. S

    When do I tell them? (dambed 20 characters!)?

    tell them now, otherwise if you don't declare it, they'll get in a huff and halt payments out of spite.
  3. S

    September 11th - conspiracies?

    for the love of God, I wish these nutters would shut up, what they forget is many lost loved ones that day, and all this bs about what happened really gets right up my goat.
  4. S

    apparently excessive kissing can cause loss of hearing, will this impact on

    mistletoe sales? I'm having a victor meldrew moment, I cannot believe that was all they were doing, anyway views tvm.
  5. S

    Currently, if Black is the new 'White' ............? Have your earplugs at the ready, anyway wacko jacko always wears that mask thingy, I mean what is going on with him, some say it was plastic surgery that went wrong, others say its a genetic thing, whatever it is I don't want it.
  6. S

    Currently, if Black is the new 'White' ............? Have your earplugs at the ready, anyway wacko jacko always wears that mask thingy, I mean what is going on with him, some say it was plastic surgery that went wrong, others say its a genetic thing, whatever it is I don't want it.
  7. S

    In light of yesterday's ruling by the EU appeals over dna samples being

    held illegally,will more cases appear? now then doesn't this open the door for people who've been convicted on previously retained dna to appeal on the grounds of making it inadmissible because it was illegally retained and is in violation of the privacy rights and human rights, and data...
  8. S

    What do you make of the latest research into the likelihood of premature births? Views tvm.
  9. S

    Are we reaching a point where we will have to eat seakale? Interesting argument for growing crops, but would other crops have to be adapted by genetic modiforcation to get them to grow and is this a for gone solution or the road to disaster? Views tvm.
  10. S

    Is there anything the pirates won't attack, and is just paying the ransom more

    likely to get them to continue? Views tvm.
  11. S

    would you want an unwrapped oxfam goat for christmas? Good old jonny vegas, anyway part two, do you think these quirky ad campaigns do better than the hard hitting ones and why.
  12. S

    In your opinion, which current celebrity doesn't deserve the title 'celebrity'?

    victoria beckham, couldn't sing, still can't and who cares about what she wears to wathc her son play football. What a prima donna. But there is one who beats all comers Paris Hilton, what an absolute waste of space.
  13. S

    should the Pm denouce tory's arrest? views even from new labour people. tvm stephen H, game set and match to me mate.
  14. S

    Should fathers have more legal say in cases of abortion?

    I've just been reading an article from the states on the lack of rights from a man's perspective when its discovered that the foetus/baby has a gene specific that would lead to Downs syndrome. Apparently in the USA the land of the free, Men have no say what so ever in any abortion matters...