Recent content by ShivamS

  1. S


    Your daughter has figured out what her boyfriend is for so now you need to go kill him. You're temporarily psychotically deranged! OR!!! Your wife was trimming your ear hair and she got the tweezers stuck in your ear hole!!!
  2. S

    The Confession Thread

    I want in on those vids! *throws pink rose petals at Mei Hua and Nordic's feet*
  3. S

    gay or not?

  4. S

    Amateur Photography

    A couple of shots from recent days out:
  5. S

    Weekly Sketch Thread -

    I pick up my drawing pad from time to time but get so disrtracted due to the kid, the dog, the wife, etc that I usually dont get more than a few lines down before I lose my motivation. Same with my writing. I've been aching to write a novel now for EVER but everytime I start something happens...
  6. S


    that is a horrible excuse
  7. S

    parents and non parents.

    what the? how did the holocaust get into this?
  8. S

    ice cubes?

    cold + cold =/= hot asshat
  9. S

    how tall are you? famous people too ! :dodgy: i hate you

    5'5 and a half. Man I am short. Still growing though
  10. S

    do you know what racism means?

    no becasue plenty of asains espeacily in the uk dont wear burkas, it is down to choice. so saying no burkas in a shop is not racist, white poeple can wear burkas if they want, its just you being naive to presume that burkas means "asain" and is thus being racist. its not racist.
  11. S

    When Small talk runs out of things to talk about OMG!?

    world = end when st stops thinking of things to talk about
  12. S

    After a pandemic

    There would be a lot of free cars...everywhere.
  13. S

    drunken photo thread

    You the man "buddy" koyo!
  14. S

    Why did you not join the armed forces?

    I didn't join because the military was for losers in our high school. If you were too stupid to get into college or if you didn't have a career to enter upon graduating you either went to a trade school or the military. They also had a technical college for high school students that wanted to...