Recent content by Shekhinah

  1. S

    Men here who are whining about women...are you REALLY upset because your mommy

    didn't breastfeed you? Is that what all this inner conflict is about? Is that why you resent women so much? Maybe we should set up a nice safe place where women can nurture and breastfeed you back to mental health so you can move on and forgive, and finally stop whining like little girls. I knew...
  2. S

    I was wondering: does Santa have a cell phone number?

    Yes, and I know it and I'm going to call him and tell him that you've been a very, very naughty boy this year. Unless you pay me not to, that is!
  3. S

    How is it that when eat ribs I have premonitions of early early history?

    Why when I think about sex do I imagine a big burly man in a loincloth whacking me over the head and dragging me into his cave? LOL Genetic memories, passed through DNA over hundreds of thousands of years! Or do I just have gas??????
  4. S

    Poll: How many of you believe in the supernatural (ghosts, premonitions,

    astral projection, etc.) and why? Any personal experiences or do you just believe it because you've heard about them from others who say they've experienced something?
  5. S

    Baby 7weeks. Screams after 2oz of milk & wont take anymore when b4 she would...

    I would take her to the doctor. It could be a zillion different things- colic is common at that age, but then again it could be acid reflux, or something in your milk that is bothering her; anything really. My eldest daughter was exclusively breastfeeding when I decided to eat some chocolate and...
  6. S

    I want a book that makes me think really hard and trips me 1984

    or Fahrenheit 451. Know any? I love books in that genre that have something to say about society and/or government. Or even if it doesn't have a social message in it, something either futuristic or mind-twisting. Books that are like the movies Vanilla Sky, The Matrix, 12 Monkeys. Eternal...
  7. S

    Are anti-abortionists killing more babies by practicing their religion than the...

    Well, we actually do have the technology to make abortion unnecessary, it's just a matter of whether people choose to use it or not. There are many forms of birth control, and while none are 100% effective, if such methods were faithfully used, then practically all abortions could be eliminated...
  8. S

    How do I get my 10year old boy with Aspergers Syndrome to eat healthy food?

    Try writing a social story about healthy eating. Include pictures of healthy foods and talk about how strong and energetic he'll feel if he eats those foods. Try to include a picture of him smiling and happy and say that's how he'll be more often if he eats right. Also include unhealthy foods...
  9. S

    How do I get my 10year old boy with Aspergers Syndrome to eat healthy food?

    Try writing a social story about healthy eating. Include pictures of healthy foods and talk about how strong and energetic he'll feel if he eats those foods. Try to include a picture of him smiling and happy and say that's how he'll be more often if he eats right. Also include unhealthy foods...
  10. S

    What are some of the questions I need to ask MYSELF before I confirm to meet

    Well, you'll never know unless you meet her...just give it a try. Meet her in public and have an excuse ready in case you want to leave. My best friend ALWAYS calls me about 30 minutes into a date and if I don't like the guy, I act like there's an emergency she's telling me about and I have to...
  11. S

    How is this poem? Any suggestions for improvement?

    It's not yet time to see you again, to hear your voice- I could call out for you, And you would hear me in the darkness, feel me as I fumble about seeking your skin, but I know the midnight hour has not yet called with it's resounding chime, its dark toll. Today has not yet threaded into...
  12. S

    My parents want me to take care of them and I don't want to...What should I do?

    My parent's business is failing and they can't make their house payment. So they want me to either buy it or rent it from them, but they want to continue living on the property in a trailer. If I do that, I know they'll always be in the house and in my business, plus my dad can be a complete...
  13. S

    Aren't there enough brainiacs out there to solve this energy crisis, or

    is it really all about money? Okay, so I saw a commercial for the new Honda and it says it only emits clean water vapor, so I got all excited thinking they're finally going to market a car that runs on water. When I looked it up on the internet, though, I saw that is runs on Hydrogen that is in...
  14. S

    Another date with a toad! Will it make me feel better if I scream, stomp my feet...

    ...and throw a fit? AAAAHHH I'm thirty-something and dating and all I find are wierdos!! I had a horrible date tonight and I am so tired of all this crap! I think I'm pretty, funny, cute and smart, but I must have a tattoo on my foreheafd that says "losers, creeps and jerks, please ask me out"...