Recent content by Shara

  1. S

    interesting topic for 2012?

    hey i'm 19 pls help me i need a interesting topic for my public speaking... pls i need something new and suitable for this generation... tq
  2. S

    people that look like a tmnt

    I lol'd at BJ Penn
  3. S


    Prypiat representin bitch!
  4. S

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    ^^ Ow dude. What happened?
  5. S

    How much does it cost to go to the tanning bed?

    Actually im not gong for the tan. I am going for the acne prevention. In summer when im really tan i never get acne, so i figured if i go to the tanning bed 1x a week it would prevent my acne
  6. S


    Yes, I do! I believe I know exactly who you're talking about. I also went to infant and junior school with her (and playgroup too methinks). I also have a friend called Molly at your school.
  7. S

    what was the last DVD you watched ?

    I dream of Jeannie season 4
  8. S

    Why won't the GOP ever tell of Lincoln's only motive for "freeing the slaves"?

    Because that would mean that the civil war was really all about states rights. What the federal government did, and the reasons they did it was unconstitutional. They had to find some excuse to say they were doing it in order to protect people (Unless you're talking about Northern businesses...
  9. S

    What fashion trend do you hate?

    Lol! I hate those too... I don't know if I'd call those that wear them fashionable though.. My current fashion dislike is gladiator sandals and giganormous sunglasses Oh yeah, and fingerless gloves... Especially the fishnet ones. They serve absolutely no purpose. Another... Shiny black coats...
  10. S

    how many days did you read?

    How many days did you read for written test driver`s license? what was your age then? I am really afraid of failing in the test and postponing it from long time. But I need a license badly as I am planning to move to a place where there is no good public transportation.
  11. S


    1. How are you? me: fine 2. What are you doing? me: writing in my answers 3. What is your favourtie sitcom? me: Friends 4. What TV show can't you stand to watch? me: the view 5. What Colour is your keyboard? me: black 6. Close you eyes and poin to something... what is it? me: lip gloss 7...
  12. S

    which phone should i get the instinct or the centro or the rumor iloove ttto texttt.?

    palm centro becuase it is a texting phone and the rumor is ok but cheaper. The instinct isnt a txting phone.
  13. S

    medela advance pump in style - not good/problem?

    I bought medela pump in style advance which pumped fine the very first time. That`s it. Now, everytime I try milk is spreading around the breast sheild (between nipple areola and plastic funnel or breast sheild) and milk not coming properly. I clean the sheild several times but after 2 - 3 drops...
  14. S

    What episode of Friends?

    Monica and Joey join a cooking school.
  15. S

    how to change audio files to ringtones after bluetoothing on a nextel i880?

    when i bluetooth the songs to my phone they only show up as audio files not ringtones how do i fix that?