Recent content by shanec

  1. S

    How messed up can you be?

    Glitter needs to un-suicide the TDT.
  2. S

    Ban the last poster before you post

    for having a problem with him banning cait!
  3. S

    The Class of 2008 - Graduation -

    college is fun...doing a bunch of blow drinking beer smoking weed, hooking up with trixs and getting good grades pretty much sums up college
  4. S

    The most dangerous street fighter in the world!

    I always wondered how mommy did that
  5. S


    I second your statement sir.
  6. S

    my mom found an empty bottle of jager..

    you're mom was loking for your poopy boots
  7. S

    Why is this no surprise? Idiots... just idiots

    All of this is completely beside the real point which is why anyone thought it was a good idea to name a township "Maidenhead." On the topic of accents, I really get a kick out of Renzo Gracie's combination of Brazilian and New York. As for the rest, honestly, the only thing that irritated...
  8. S

    Aaah those were the days...

    i used to climb light posts and hang upside down from the top .... or sit on it for hours watching people walk by below completely unaware i was htere
  9. S

    Perky Or Saggy?

    How about perky big penii?
  10. S

    Did you vote?

    Take a look at this map... Now, tell me WHY exactly the Iraqis were such a threat to us...? The Greeks, for example, don't seem to have been particularly worried. Nor the French, Swiss or any of many other nations rather more in the "firing line" of these non-existent WMDs than we were.
  11. S

    Can I.......

    Bugger it. I R going anyway. It's pay day. MWAHAHAHAHA!
  12. S

    10 myths women have about men

    hmmm... issues Jack?? ... hey it's a talent ... what can I say? I've been developing it for quite some time now!
  13. S

    Dodge Ramcharger air vents smell?

    I'd suggest stocking up on little trees. That smell will go away eventually, just try to cover it up until then.
  14. S

    5.0 liter Cummins V8?

    I've heard some chatter about this, and looking in my old diesel power magazine it said Nissan vans were going to be equiped with these engines. It's been a while, and I've yet to hear anything. Did they just scrap the project or just keeping it under the radar? I heard this might be a possible...
  15. S

    Is 8 gigs of RAM really necessary?

    I have always been told that it will be years before computers really need more than 6 gigs of RAM. I'm trying to futureproof my upcoming PC (desktop) purchase from the cyberpowerpc website. Should I get 6 gigs or 8 gigs?