Recent content by Shae

  1. S

    how do you fix break lights on a 2003 mustang if its not the bulb?

    my 2003 mustang that i just bought doesnt have break lights and i have no idea how to fix it because its not the bulb. i dont know which fuse it is because there isnt anything that shows the break lights and i ended up messing up the power locks and the windsheild wipers so i am really lost...
  2. S

    Is this a disturbing trend that we - LGBT - should be concerned about?

    Personally I agree with the ad.
  3. S

    Im thinking of converting to Judaism?

    Do not let yourself be led astray, Jesus is our Shepherd. He is the true king. Yes Jesus is Jewish, but the Jewish people rejected Him and His teachings, thus Judaism is no longer the path to God.
  4. S

    Why do christians get so upset when people doubt their faith?

    I do not. Faith is a personal thing. If people don`t share my beliefs I am indifferent.
  5. S

    Where can i wacth ALL the RESIDENT EVIL MOVIES NO XVID?
  6. S

    Why does my cat like to play with my hair?

    Whenever Im laying down, or resting he either licks, bites, or messes it with his paws. Is this normal cat behaviour.
  7. S

    Christians, are you prepared for the coming battle, the battle that has begun?

    "In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."—2 Corinthians 4:4 "But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray...
  8. S

    Atheists, can you deny that Christ has made the biggest impact on History?

    As a single man. "Christ is the dividing line of human history, BC and AD-B.C. is an abbreviation for “Before Christ.” A.D. is an abbreviation for “anno Domini,” which is Latin for “in the year of our Lord.” I'm saying that not only has He changed the world and His followers, but even affected...
  9. S

    Christians, are you prepared for the coming battle, the battle that has begun?

  10. S

    why do christians deny that God made gay, bi, trans people?

    Being gay defies nature....How much simpler can I put it.
  11. S

    Do prepaid verizon talk plans cover IN texting?

    I am considering a verizon prepaid account. But I wonder if I need the 69.99 plan or if I can just go with the $45 plan. All of my friends and family are on verizon as well, so IN texting would absolutely meet my needs.
  12. S

    Why do people dismiss valid questions as rants?

    They probably don't understand the question fully, or they just don't have a good answer.
  13. S

    I am a Christian, but I like death metal?

    No, that is your personal choice; I doubt God will punish you for listening to music, as long as it has no blasphemy in the lyrics, and it does not suggest that sin is good. I like some metal bands, and I will admit to listening to Avenged Sevenfold occasionally.
  14. S

    Is the "HOLY SPIRIT" and the "HOLY GHOST" the same or are they Different ?

    They are the same, some denominations say Holy Spirit, others say Holy Ghost.