Recent content by sehar

  1. S

    How much cash you got in the bank?

    2700 in checking about 40,000 in a CD
  2. S

    Ban the last poster before you post

    just because i have the power to do it!
  3. S

    Does anyone else visualise people as looking like their avatar?

    thanks. i have a feeling this will be complicated
  4. S

    Tricking discussion thread.

  5. S

    Police Burtality or Preformance of Duty???

    From the news cast I saw regarding this video. The guy being arrested was a known gang member. Gang members are known to carry weapons, and how to remove weapons from a triple restraint holster worn by an officer. Here is the written artical from the news cast...
  6. S

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    The Lebanese government is able to eradicate Hezbollah? Really. It seems as if they are powerless to do much at all before the Israelis got there.
  7. S

    A "Doom" Scenario / screw one world government

    A "Doom" Scenario / screw one world government i need a tldr
  8. S

    mother arrested for naming daughter "Chamillionaire" in Klingonese

    she even spelled the name wrong
  9. S

    Hints for Starting University

    I've been a victim of that when I lived in halls during my first year. I came back late from a night of hard study in the library and rushed to the fridge to pizza myself up only to find the pizza box in the bin and my pizza nowhere to be seen. I was mad! So... the next day I bought...
  10. S

    Best user names?

    God please no:eek:
  11. S

    Who is going to win World Cup Soccer 2006?

    battle of the two best goalies...ricardo and bufon(however you spell it)....i think italy will beat portugal
  12. S

    California gun buy-back pics

    psh, guns work faster.
  13. S


    The DB9 Aston Martin has to be the sexiest car ever built. And they say us English cant make cars, HA! Heres a clip of it being driven by Jeremy from Top gear. He races his mates riding on the Euro Star from Guildford (South East England, where I was born) to Monta Carlo (Best F1 course. In...
  14. S

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    False alarm it seems. One of my kids plugged a USB into my wife's PC and gave it a virus. Norton has cleared it up, but somewhere the firewall has blocked internet access for her. I am going to hit him.
  15. S

    Are these surveys\places legit?

    Are these surveysplaces legit? No, almost all of them are scams.