Recent content by ScottB

  1. S

    Torrent Password .txt Help me?

    Now, why would I want to do something ILLEGAL just because you ask me to?
  2. S

    Can I use the T-Mobile Samsung Exhibit II 4G on AT&T without getting charged...

    ...for data? I want to use this smartphone as a Wifi device with voice and texting capabilities. I know that AT&T will automatically charge you for data if you are using a smartphone on their network by identifying the phone's IMEI number. However, would AT&T not realize this since I'm using a...
  3. S

    Who would win a Navy Seal or a MMA fighter.?

    A Navy Seal. Do you think if a Navy Seal came up against an MMA fighter in a combat situation, he wouldn't be able to dispatch him quickly armed or unarmed? Navy Seals are some of the best fighters in the WORLD/
  4. S

    On the movie "the town" when the Feds are photographing everyone at the BBQ

    what is the song they are jamming? You can vaguely hear it in the background. It's driving me crazy
  5. S

    Trivia .................................?

    Do your OWN homework. And/or learn to use google.
  6. S

    I dont want to join the military because it is full of homos and lames?

    I should try to get an education.
  7. S

    Ron Paul Interview On Fox News Sunday: Talks Fema, Libya, Mises &...

    My thoughts are....that you don't know what a QUESTION is...
  8. S

    i need help hooking up a gpx dvd player to a cisco cable tv box.?

    i have time warner cable and a older tv that has no input jacks for a dvd player. i was told i could hook it up to the cable box and i have no idea how to or what jacks to hook it to.
  9. S

    Politics: I wrote a political letter to Oboma: Oboma, why did you want to...

    Perhaps if you wrote the letter to Prescient OBAMA, you'd get a better response.
  10. S

    If the market can regulate itself, how come Taco Bell "beef" is mostly sand?

    Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"??
  11. S

    Who wants to live in a Collective like Liberals do? What type of person argues

    Liberals don't want to "live in a Collective". So, your question is invalid.
  12. S

    Christians,has your priest/minister/etc ever explained it's dishonest to

    Obviously, you understand that your interpretation of "baseless" beliefs, is subjective. Again, If you choose not to believe in God, and I can't convince you otherwise, I can let you go. But you are the one who can't seem to "let it go".
  13. S

    Why all the whining about evolution/big bang?

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's been done at several conferences, ergo the notion that these are "theories". In RESPONSE: ...nor has anyone been able to show an example of the one area of the evolutionary theory that is scrutinized: the idea that a simple celled organism can "evolve"...
  14. S

    Window jammed on honda civic 2001 need help asap?

    I shut the passenger door earlier not realising the window was down and now it wont go back up. ive hauled the door card off and tried to push it up with my hands just to get it shut but it wont go. i dont know whats stopping it from going up and the switch to put it up is doing nothing not...