Recent content by SarahG

  1. S

    Help needed

    Grab a video camera and find as many past and present students as you possibly can, record birthday wishes and thanks, dig up any photos you have on the computer or clips of training edit it all together with some funny and sentimental captions and bobs your uncle. Whilst you're there try and...
  2. S

    Wish me luck!

    In short, fro a phd you vasically do research in a chosen topic, then write a research paper and finally you have to present your paper to specialists in the said subject who ask you about your paper. I've heard it lasts for hours. Congrats Moosey* *EDIT: Dr Moose
  3. S

    Haunted Bathroom

    SuLin.... I was just thinking about that programme while reading the original post. Ghos****ch, where the ghost is called 'Pipes' because they always blamed the pipes for all the noise. I thought it was one the best docu's ever.
  4. S

    Tell me a secret.

    Well, yeah. It's kinda the point of the thread, y'know.
  5. S

    Walmart sleepover

    guitar Hero :)
  6. S

    6 Nations

    Final Score: Wales - 32 - Ireland - 20! Wales win the Grand Slam!
  7. S

    Women in the Infantry

    I instantly go to them because normally they annoy me. I'm British, I like my 5 minutes of raging at other people while I eat my cornflakes
  8. S

    Pick-up Lines

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    Itt:awesome Artwork

  10. S

    Michael Vick sentenced. Do you even no what a fascist is? I'll give you a clue. It isn't someone who doesn't believe that all opinions are equally correct.
  11. S

    Ask Greyghost 2.

    Yes. ask your wife.
  12. S

    The best biscuit?

    Kimberleys chocolate ..... pic for you ...
  13. S

    My Night SUCKED... Yours?

    I lol'd at the title because it reminded me of when your mother slept over my house :tup:
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    yea they're cool
  15. S

    100 most annoying VIPs

    Very Important Person Cain like me thanks for noticing that guys whoops