Recent content by SaintMichael

  1. S

    Atheists why do you spend so much of your valuable time on arguing and...

    Well it is a religion and spirituality forum, that's what we're discussing....
  2. S

    How would you guys best compare and contrast the Native American Spiritual

    I would say that Native American traditions are more based on nature. A classic proverb is that when Judeochristian settlers were describing church to them, one said "they're putting god in a box" meaning they thought god was everywhere in nature
  3. S

    ATHEISTS, with the oncoming global economic collapse, how do you not see it as

    It says so in the Bible. And if not, let's assume it does. There's religion's issue. Right there. Case and point.
  4. S

    What religion/faith do I best fit in to?

    not a christian
  5. S

    Okay here is my problem I am a very spiritual devout christian. I don't party,...

    Marines aren't made in chinese porcelane tea cup factories :) Your morals should come first, you sacrifice everything to please God. That's my 2 cents.
  6. S

    Christians: you know how Christianity is just as valid as any other religion, how...

    Funny how here in the short period of time I've been here, I've yet to see any Christians "convert" people... I've seen nothing but Atheists mocking Christians, and Christians asking questions to other Christians to share their faith. I've seen Christians ask questions to atheists to see how...
  7. S

    Is it openly dishonest or just unethical for religious people to present

    I think the only thing you're openly doing here is OPENLY wasting your time trying to figure us out. I think you're OPENLY here to mock believers like your former limerick. I think lowly of you, because you, yourself have shown that ignorant face to this community, not because I am going out of...
  8. S

    Atheists: How/why do you think religion got started?

    Hero's, hero's passed down by word of mouth for generations... stories became legends, legends became myths, and myths... became religion. Which were not written down until written language were developed having thousands and thousands of years to evolve. Edit: but don't forget I do hope I'm...
  9. S

    How do you keep faith in your religion?

    A lot of bad things happen to good people like rape, murder, torture, and abuse but the vast majority of them still keep their faith in a supreme being long after such a horrific event has happened (by murder I of course mean that of an individual close to them). So how do the religious people...