Recent content by RusticB

  1. R

    Jehovah's Witnesses how many of your predictions ever come to pass?

    Wikipedia has an entire article devoted to listing and outlining all the failed predictions that society has made: But the Jehovah's Witnesses love to play games with semantics. So you have to use their own terminology...
  2. R

    What are your thoughts on the Boy Scouts lifting their ban on gays?

    Many parents would not allow their children to be in the scouts if they knew the scout leader was gay. So lifting the ban could reduce membership.
  3. R

    Jehovah's Witnesses: I'm looking for a religion that has a decent batting...

    ...average making predictions? Of course, you call them "Bible-based spiritual expectations." The Mormons have only a few success stories like predicting details about the civil war, 50 years before it started. I think the Seventh Day Adventists have one or two successful predictions (out of...
  4. R

    Jehovah’s Witnesses: Tomorrow we’re having turkey dinner and watching a

    In regards to Thanksgiving, one of the Jehovah’s Witnesses recently wrote that: "only we have true Christian freedom because we're not obligated to buckle under the pressure of worshipping a secular government." This Jehovah’s Witness apparently believes that people worship the United States of...
  5. R

    Why didnt the same christians that answered my "god burning his children question

    I think your lack of clarity is the reason.
  6. R

    Jehovah’s Witnesses: What if apostate literature were true? Would it still be...

    ...a hateful rant? As you know, in past times “apostate” materials sharply criticized the Watchtower Society for its ban on organ transplants and immunizations. And all the “true worshippers of Jehovah” were prohibited from reading this literature because it was nothing more than a “hateful...
  7. R

    So what do you think of the new religion and spirituality moderators?

    So we have these two new self-appointed moderators of the Yahoo religion section (screen names of “Troll Spray” and “The End of Liars”), who claim that religious faith doesn’t matter to them, as they “only trying to make Yahoo a happy place,” by reporting questions and answers they decide are...
  8. R

    Why do we now have Christian Churches complaining that they have been left...

    According to recent news reports, there is stimulus money being offered to faith-based initiatives. So I’m not sure what your point is. Also, which specific religious group is complaining?