Recent content by rossben

  1. R

    What is the best way to make money online?

    Heres one for you we will come out victorious in spite of BO.
  2. R

    Happy Current Events :-) Happy Links :-) Shall we make today & tonight a...

    Heres one for you we will come out victorious in spite of BO.
  3. R

    Interesting Wicca Topic?

    If you believe that there is a single Higher Power, or some single Divine Source, then yes, I would say all religions are reaching out toward that source and trying to relate to it. They just have different ideas about the nature of the Divine.
  4. R

    Any Harry Potter fan interested?

    Elvis Presley thought he could control the water sprinklers on his Graceland mansion with his thoughts alone.
  5. R

    Why are so many christians interested in the topic of Religion and Spirituality?

    go on UTube and watch "ZeitGeist" - I think you can see it all on that tiny screen - or you can get the DVD somewhere. It's full of the most interesting stuff I can imagine - from the old gods of ancient times, to the attack on the Trade Center in 2001 and on into the money matters of the United...