Recent content by rosiebabayyy

  1. R

    Can I leave my son's bike outside?

    We don't have a shed put up yet, as there is still some snow on the ground. So I was wondering if it's okay to leave the bike out..will it be okay? Or would rain damage it? We were keeping it in his room, but now that it's getting nicer out, we are going to be outside alot more. thank you...
  2. R

    Whadaya think of Lincoln Mike Hawk for a babby name?

    That's just asking for an STD.
  3. R

    where did the thumbs down fairies go for holiday?

    they were gone for a little while, now they are back. i wonder where they went? lol yeah, i am letting my questions go wherever yahoo seems to think it should.
  4. R

    My 6 month old picks up both legs and bangs them down hard when he is on his...

    its perfectly normal. my 13 m.o still does it, its just something they like to do. there is nothing wrong with it, and as long as he isnt hurting himself he is fine.
  5. R

    Would it seem White Trash to name your baby after a snowmobile?

    i guess that would depend on the name. as long as it didnt sound completely weird than i dont think so.