Recent content by Rosemonster

  1. R

    Is it really better to always think about the future then live life in the "now"?

    It's all about balance. The universe promises nothing past this instant in time, so living in the moment is essential to our well being. However, that doesn't mean that we don't plan for our future - that's just being responsible. At 17, you are at the beginning of an amazing journey! You are...
  2. R

    Why do people pay psychics to read the future?

    If you don't agree with them, don't go to them. Why waste your energy putting them down (or thinking about them at all for that matter). I'd suggest putting your energies towards being a bit more accepting of people who have different views than you.
  3. R

    what can you do if someone is threatening to post nude pictures of you on the...

    If you are underage - the law WILL protect you as it is illegal to distribute nude picutures of minors. Othewise, you could sue him for defamation of character (since I'm sure the pics are copywritten) but it will be along and expensive road. Let this be a lesson to you going forward to...