Recent content by RosaA

  1. R

    Crappy threads...

  2. R

    My school sucks

    did you know your a douche?
  3. R

    Funniest/Nastiest Urbandictionary terms

    abe lincoln.
  4. R

    Yes, they are serious.

    r u serious?
  5. R

    I hate the food in my house!

    Haha, this is what I was thinking.
  6. R

    The unprofessional search engine

    I searched for 'Big Tits'... well come on... I mean what good is a search engine if it can't handle that.. and yes after much tongue lashing... I did get links.
  7. R

    earliest class this year

    high school, wake up 7:15-30 shower leave by 8, dont get tarty by 8:15 (its a 15 minute drive to school if i catch redlights) last year when i had PE 1st, it didnt matter cuz i couldnt get tarty, so i may have to change my rutein
  8. R

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrrr I want to go to bed!!!!
  9. R

    Abortion is Wrong

    Looks like the thread went off topic. Could we say that some people should pray for those aborted? As with the subject of abortion, religion is part of it, which the "state" becomes involved. Thus makinbg it harder to separate "church from state" Religion will always be a part of politics (and...
  10. R

    Possible Project?

    No unfortunately I'm not close to you but this thread did get me motivated to dress my school up a little, and got me thinking about adding some students to the roster, so thanks for the push.
  11. R

    Come on Smokers

    Hate the smell of smoke, what to puke at the sent of it. Even if I wanted to I would be sick before it got to my mouth. I don't have anything againts smokers though...just the smoke.
  12. R


    well i posted some for some cute. YouTube - Cutest Kitten Ever and more funny YouTube - Thats one way to sleep YouTube - Going to work on Monday
  13. R


    Hehe yeah! Up for late-night scares here. Those first two were pretty good! Here are mine: YouTube - FEWDIO Horror: Creep YouTube - FEWDIO Horror: Bedfellows Meat dress for you too then?
  14. R

    Old Usernames

    i used to be Aegis.... j/k
  15. R

    modern art is a joke and a scam for rich art buyers

    This reminds me.. Any Family guy fans? "Oooohh.. it's a face"