Recent content by Rommel

  1. R

    Why 700c is the standard rim for road bikes used in tour the france ?

    why not used 27 instead ?
  2. R

    is this a taste of the future in new labours Britain?

    Lord Ahmed says that if we allow the anti Islamic film Fitna to be shown, he would put ten thousand angry Muslims on our streets. this is a direct threat to the people from an Islamic lord.......should we be tolerating this?
  3. R

    What has religion got to do with immigration?

    religion has every thing to do with Immigration. especially when you have a small island and you are importing a particularly aggressive hate fuelled religion onto it by the hundreds of thousands every year. especially when that religion brings terrorist problems that cost billions in extra...
  4. R

    israel and prophecy ?

    its just a crock of sh*t dreamed up by some one with a wild imagination.....why would you take any of it seriously?
  5. R

    Where can i buy African Dwarf Frogs for my fish tank??

    I want to buy African Dwarf frogs for my fish tank, I do live in London, I tried many pet shops in West London but no luck, Any Advice??????