Recent content by RockandRoll

  1. R

    South Park episode comes to life

  2. R

    George Bush does a dance!

    In a wierd way, I like him slightly more than before.
  3. R

    Iran Holocaust Conference Opens

    You don't have to go to Iran to discuss it. You can do that right here. No-one is going to put you in prison. You are hiding your head in the sand if you think that Iran doesn't have an agenda behind this. It isn't taking place because they have anything new to tell us. (Although cosying up...
  4. R

    Who believes in love at first sight?

    i fall in love all the time.
  5. R

    Chat to Chazz!!

    Hey Chazz ... !! It's has been a long time!! I no longer use AIM ... and that's we did the most chatting!!! Guess I'll have to go to your site to see what's been up with you!
  6. R

    NHS privitisation explained -

    So negotiable those who don't have insurance from their employer generally speaking just don't have insurance. Customers don't really get to negotiate any longer. The insurer advertises a price and then adds a bit on here and there when you sign up. Take the mobile phone market for example...
  7. R


    Standard answer given to the probability argument: we are here, therefore we are. Trite I know, but think about it. If we weren't here to question the probabilities, there'd be no argument, the probability thing only exists because we are actually here. Its a pointless argument, like saying how...
  8. R

    Mitt Romney

    But a huge proportion of that increased debt is due to the Bush tax cuts which Republicans refuse to allow to expire - source So what you are saying is that if Romney wins, Democrats had better not do to Romney what the Republicans have been doing to Obama?
  9. R

    tries buttsex; hilarity does not ensue

    Shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker mother fucker tits fart turd and twat
  10. R

    I found a fantastic new om nom

    You have probably been here. Like drove through It . That don't mean jack buddy. Take your crappy flame somewhere else. And I'm going to bet you don't know half the rich people there are in this state. did you even read what I said? Wanna know something? Do you know how many people move...
  11. R

    What are you doing right now?

    I would. But sadly I haven't been able to do it since I dislocated my shoulder a few years back. I used to do as part of my warm up for Aikido
  12. R

    Is this fat?!

    How the ******* **** in all ******* ******** can she the **** be fat? That's how crazy that claim is.
  13. R

    Favorite Candy

    Swedish fish/aqua life aren't candy bars noobski.
  14. R

    Anyone here from Dundee?

    I really like it - go twice a week, although in saying that I'd like to train on the weekends too, maybe doing Muay Thai. If you're over 18, the kickboxing class at Ancrum might be ideal for you...