Recent content by RobB

  1. R

    Are there any providers that can take over a Telus plan to get my business?

    Wondering if any providers can buy out my current cell phone plan with Telus to get my business? I'm paying $90 a month for a 1gig/month plan on an iPhone 3GS with a year and a half to go. (And that's after I talked them down from what I was paying before.) At this point, upgrading with them...
  2. R

    what is the difference between dragon ball z and dragon ball z kai?

    Dragonball Z Kai is Dragonball Z without the filler episodes and its been remastered as well so it looks much better. They fight the same bad guys up to Cell then it ends, they don't make it to Buu. Then following Buu there is Dragonball GT which I don't care for at all myself.
  3. R

    What is your idea of the perfect profession for the leading man in a romance novel?

    For ladies only, what would you want your leading man in a romance novel to do for a living? Foreign spy? Fireman or policeman? Professional (doctor, lawyer)? Soldier? Other? There are no wrong answers, but I'll reward the first person to come up with whatever turns out to be the most popular...
  4. R

    Is there a self defence that's not Karate, or Martial arts?

    Sure, learn to use a firearm. But seriously, technically Krav Maga is not a martial art.
  5. R

    Will Roger Goodell fine Minnesota for paying off God to collapse the roof to

    I gotta agree with Don. If this season has proven anything it has proven that God is neither a fan of the Vikings or Brett Favre.
  6. R

    You're Roger Goodell. What would you do about the incident in the Texans-Titans game

    They both get suspended a game. That's the standing rule in every other level of football and the NFL should adopt it as well - you disqualify yourself, you sit a game. As for a fine, I'm not sure on either of their histories but since no one got hurt, they should start at $25K on the first...
  7. R

    Kempo Karate look kinda funny but they say it works good in a street fight

    No style beats another style. Only people beat other people. As for Kempo, I personally don't think it looks funny at all. I've done several seminars with a Kempo master and like it. It's very aggressive. We even joke that Kempo is Japanese for "overkill" because when they counter-attack...
  8. R

    Want to buy some "UFC" gloves, help?

    If you are training then talk to your instructor. Most schools also sell such equipment. If you don't have an instructor then you need to go back to square 1 and get one.
  9. R

    18 speed bike,how do I change cable on shifter grip?

    steel cable on shifter "witch is on bike grip"how do I replace with out destroying?
  10. R

    One Bar Facemask in High School Football?

    The only requirement is that you have a face mask. However, I doubt anyone makes them any more due to liability reasons.
  11. R

    Differences in styles of Karate?

    There are hundreds, if not thousands, of styles of karate. To describe the differences between them would be impossible. You also have to realize that no two dojo or instructors will teach a single style the same way, therefore there will be variations even within a style. This gets further...
  12. R

    Which is better muay thai or kyokushin karate?Answer vs wing chun?

    There is no correct answer. You might as well ask which is better: Yellow or Blue? You should concentrate your efforts in learning to spell rather than making up nonsensical comparative questions.
  13. R

    Is there a way to request a copy of all my texts from the month of April from...

    ...Verizon? My girlfriend thinks I have been cheating (issue in itself, but not what im asking). I've have already shown her my call logs. But she still questions because I text more than i call. I prefer a list of the actual messages, but i can settle for logs (phone numbers, and times...
  14. R

    Is there a way to request a copy of all my texts from the month of April from...

    ...Verizon? My girlfriend thinks I have been cheating (issue in itself, but not what im asking). I've have already shown her my call logs. But she still questions because I text more than i call. I prefer a list of the actual messages, but i can settle for logs (phone numbers, and times...