Recent content by riskybusinessfan

  1. R

    mother put baby in microwave

    Being mentally ill, and killing a baby are not the same - possibly one may lead to the other - but its not a prerequiste - and I quarantee she plays the mental illness card in court.
  2. R

    Greatest internet Fad

  3. R

    i have to build a kite

    mmmmmmm kite sex.
  4. R

    Abortion is Wrong

    Why am i reminded of this?
  5. R

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Education can go along way, certainly "nimrods" with firearms is a disaster waiting to happen. It would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous. Here's an article about the gun culture in Switzerland...
  6. R

    Change the song name

    Father & Daughter - Paul Simon
  7. R


    If you ever see darts on espn (usualy 8, the ocho, because noone wants to fucking watch darts) the guys that do it are usually the scumiest looking people ever. You know, they wear those silk shirts you used to find at JCPenny with dragons on them, and they slick there hair back. I hate them...
  8. R

    Change the song name

    know your onion- the shins
  9. R


  10. R

    Neighbors fence owned by tree

    OMG black garbage men fighting just happened
  11. R

    Seeing Death.

    Squirrel Master;50791819']awww cute, he has a boyfriend.
  12. R

    Madness in the fast lane

    That is very very freaky but would you take a woman that you met in the street back to your house no matter how good looking, call the police, what realy happened in the house to set her off, what happened in their childhood. Just a thought.
  13. R

    Gummi Light houses?

  14. R

    Should I go to hearing?

    I don't think you need to hear all the gritty details in court. I know you'd like to be there but it puts a bond between you and your girl that could be messy later on. Can't you just wait outside for her?
  15. R

    Tacher cat fight w00t

    Didn't read.