Recent content by RichardS

  1. R

    NBA: On a serious note, will Mar$on Brooks be rookie of the year?

    He's nice. But I think Kyrie is gonna win it
  2. R

    Solve this Riddle...?

    My left nut itches.
  3. R

    new dodge ram or chevy z71?

    Dodge is a more dependable truck plus the Hemi is a great built motor and will out do most truck right from the factory as long as the other truck is stock as well
  4. R

    Why do some Christians on this forum keep posting irrelevant rants about

    The Piltdown skull is the one presented as evidence in the Scopes Monkey Trial, which led to you being brainwashed with this false knowledge in the first place. 150 years w/o proof = invalid.
  5. R

    Do you miss baseball already?

    I've really enjoyed the off-season because Frank McCourt has sold the Dodgers! He out-a-here!
  6. R

    Any quiz ideas for Harry Potter?

    Some good movie quotes, I thought, were: "Snap out of it" Cher in "Moonstruck" "I'll have what she's having" Billy Crystal in "When Harry Met Sally" "It's wet" Dustin Hoffman in "Rainman" "No, this isn't heaven---it's Iowa" Kevin Costner in "Field of Dreams" "What we have here is a...
  7. R

    who should my favorite baseball team be?

    The Dodgers. When Frank McCourt leaves, good times will be here again! Have patience, my friend!
  8. R

    best mid-price home theater speakers?

    satellites and subwoofer but no Bose!
  9. R

    Atheist ; If you believe that there is no God and you also dont believe in

    Atheists who follow their trains of thought to their ultimate conclusion become Deist. I'm basing this on the major scientists, who have actually pursued their beliefs to try to find an answer. The regular ones who are not pursuing the trail of evidence to its conclusion are stuck in a rut...
  10. R

    I have a bone to pick with christians/non-belevers?

    I've seen evidence of demons, firsthand, But I never heard of that scream thing. I'd like to look into that and see what it's about. I wouldn't have thought there was a real hell physically inside the earth, but who knows? Oh yeah, keep puffing them peters, brother, more chicks for me.
  11. R

    christians how would you feel if someone added another testament to your...

    Jesus was definitely the Divine Messenger. He said a lot of great things. It's the asshole Christians who twist his words around to condemn everybody and then they blaspheme by worshipping Jesus in the place of God. Even on here, the idiots say Jesus is God. Jesus would smack them, if he wasn't...
  12. R


    Im getting a new phone soon and I have dilemma. Either the Atrix 4g or the iPhone 5? What do you think is better? What are the pros and cons of each. Which would you get? Which is more suitable for whom? WHAT IS YOUR ADVICE???????? Iphone 5 is supposed to come out in june, i heard. THANKS IN...
  13. R

    i need to unlock sprint blackberry tour?

    I know you have to call the sprint carrier and get the mep code but i dont have a plan with them and how should i ask it from them? because i heard sometimes they wont give it to you