Recent content by ReRe

  1. R

    POLL: SFE is run by.....

    there wasnt an option for Worms or anything that has the ability to lose documents and not employ enough 'advisors'.
  2. R

    state of affairs....

    Asian proverb I read long ago: "When two tigers fight one is maimed and the other is killed." Maybe peacemakers don't fight because they can't fight. Or, maybe peacemakers fight because they can, and from that position have chosen to neither be maimed nor killed. Wow, there's a thought to...
  3. R

    Nom nom worthy places to eat?

    chipotle /thread
  4. R

    Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

    Manewbie, allow me to post it for you. It says at the top: That is an obvious update to the information below. Which states: This list, as it says, is only the people that are treated by the emergency medical systems in Israel, that is what Magen David Adom is. It states 18 killed...
  5. R

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    IT's not shrin kage it's shin kage!! Don't you Aussies know anything?? regards koyo
  6. R

    Journalist detained under British anti-terrorism law?

    Officially? No. But threats of budget cuts, recommended resignations, poor referrals and stern words go a hell of a long way to getting a lot of things done. It's supposed to be an independent body free of political constraints. But nobody bites the hand that feeds them. Pretty much. Even...
  7. R

    The Carnivore Thread

    You're joking, right? Beef has been dirt cheap since the whole mad cow thing. And it's easy to cook because unlike (say) chicken or pork, it won't make you ill if it's undercooked! What could be easier to cook than a nice piece of steak? (Salivates at the thought..... ) Maybe that...
  8. R

    ITT: We Compliment The Poster Above Us

    Queen of Caturday.
  9. R


    I've got Daemons for WHFB; and Chaos Marines with the occasional Daemon for support in 40K. My dad used to play Squats in Epic Scale. And for everyone that hasn't played Epic, it's the best. I fear orks due to Epic.
  10. R

    Tomorrow...I Do It

    You two guys want a little alone time? You know there's PM's for a reason, right? Not like this thread ever really had any legitimate purpose anyway..
  11. R

    Obama is a pretty funny guy!

    That just shows his attitude about the country too, he is having fun and thinks everything is just fine, as he just runs the country into the toilet as he vacations around the world on the tax payers dime. He is a narcissist and only cares about his power. Cheers
  12. R

    Who are some crazy people on youtube that make you laugh?

    edbassmaster look up "ugly face" and "habba babba" OMG, i was DYINGGGG! i'm not kidding, he will make your day! actually, he made my WEEK! :) there's his channel on youtube ?
  13. R

    The English Perspective on Scottish Independence and the End of the Union.

    No it's not 1982. Well done. Who needs to invade the Falklands when you can just plain refuse to trade with them. Argentina and a few of their allies have resolved to blockade any ship flying the Falklands flag. That will put a massive dent in the Falklands economy. It's like France and Germany...
  14. R

    My girlfriend is awesome!

    .....but tucking it into your g-string might make you feel dirty
  15. R

    What time is it?

    I'm not sure I've been drinking whiskey for nearly two hours now. I think it could be thursday?