Recent content by ReginaGeorge

  1. R

    How to stop being lesbian ?

    I want to be like everyone else and i don't want to be repulsed off of guys anymore.Is there anyone way i could stop being gay ? Also im not homophobic i just dont want to be gay !
  2. R

    what is the difference on Dvd's different versions and Differences?

    A director's cut is a longer version of the movie. Usually directors have to edit their movies down to a more watchable length because studios think audiences don't like longer movies, also often it does make a movie better to be a lot shorter. The pacing ends up a lot better. An "Anniversary...
  3. R

    Thoughts on "Better than Today"?

    I'm pretty disappointed with the video... What do you think of Kylie's new single?
  4. R

    Would this make my story gay if I..?

    I guess if it were a homosexual werewolf or vampire... It is overdone and a little redundant, but certainly not gay
  5. R

    I think i'm in an abusive relationship...?

    Are you sure he's a guy?