Recent content by redalac

  1. R

    Time is money, here on The River Of Many Fish...?

    To save time in the bathroom, do you sometimes wash, only one hand?
  2. R

    Riddle of the laundry mat.?

    The Gettysburg Address .
  3. R

    What are The Best BLONDE jokes?

    I like the ones where their naked. Or Nuns. Can't beat a good naked blonde Nun joke.
  4. R

    Wednesday Night riddles?

    Moving on...
  5. R

    I need Public school jokes?

    Ask him how that last school levy thingy worked out.
  6. R

    Joke for Cleveland sports fans. The Pittsburgh Steelers and the Miami Heat...

    ...walk into a bar....? I forget the rest,but their mothers are whores.
  7. R

    New clue posted on my " O.K. Dokey what am I" riddle asked earlier?

    Ya all are 0 for 4 so far.