Recent content by RazakelApollyon

  1. R

    Who are the 5 most famous people in the world ?

    Jesus President of US Michael Jackson Walt Disney Madonna....maybe.
  2. R

    In the mainstream media....?

    Isn't it obvious? The producers are Jewish.
  3. R

    How do I trick my body to quit being hungry?

    smoking Plus...that it really.
  4. R

    !!!!current Events For 10 Points!!!?

    No thanks but I'll take my 2 points.
  5. R

    I have put some 1 on life support for..?

    Your screwed either way. And you are an ugly prick.
  6. R

    How could Israel commit the recent atrocities in the Gaza Strip knowing how

    Israeli's know better than anyone how the extremists can be the lowest form of life and frankly theyre fed up with Palestinians, and their plague. Harsh? Perhaps. They negotiate with their guns, you cant be diplomatic with animals.
  7. R

    The Philosophy of Time Travel?

    They don't know that they can't, they just don't want to risk that. I sure as hell wouldn't.