Recent content by RandJK

  1. R

    its my fault?

    hmm, well burglars sue people for getting injured while stealing shit, so maybe it will happen?
  2. R

    Nasa Tv

    It was an awesome flight. For EVA 4, what I've heard sounds like y'all got a better view of it on TV or webcam than I did.
  3. R

    Water Park vs Amusement Park

    Water Park
  4. R

    The World Cup

    Can anyone here confirm this? I am suspecting that's what started the latest 'racism' thread. As I didn't see the game or the alleged sieg heil... I'm wondering if anyone else did?!?
  5. R

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    grrr, needed to stay awake but fell asleep.
  6. R

    Ban the last poster before you post

    Scarlet for stealing all the girls.
  7. R

    I will make a video of me doing whatever ST says.

    you said the n word:eek:
  8. R

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" That's a good reason to carry a small blade
  9. R

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Absolutely. That's why physically attacking another person without self-defense justification is illegal. Shooting someone without justification is illegal. Punching someone without justification is illegal. Choking someone without...
  10. R

    The Light

    Whoever didn't know about the switch is a fucking idiot
  11. R

    Some people still hire based on looks.

    All I can say is Thank God!
  12. R

    wear a kilt anywhere?

    Yeah! Tan Timberlands and thick socks rolled down. Looks like the guy is looking for the rest of his socks!
  13. R

    What's the latest up and coming conspiracy story I should know about? (After the famous Aussie Bloke saga etc)

    What's the latest up and coming conspiracy story I should know about? (After the famous Aussie Bloke saga etc) Which conspiracy theory is that? I have asked if the timing of McLaren's ascension and Renault's regression in regard to the Stepney-gate issue was coincidental - since I was...
  14. R

    How do you create a Microsoft Newsgroup?

    How do you create a Microsoft Newsgroup?