Recent content by RagingBull1

  1. R

    Anyone else here sick of the Olimpics?

    Noooo its once in a four years event & I love sports, exciting times for me. if you're bored then surf the net I mean watch some p*rn ? no ?
  2. R

    what kind of dip has the least amount of nicotine?

    Grizzly and Skoal have a lower amount of nicotine than most dip products. If he really wants something less harsh than the rest, I suggest a product called Snus. It's not dip but it is similar. It doesn't buzz you as much as dip does but it is not as bad for you.
  3. R

    What's it called when a movie is straightly released to DVD/Home Movie and

    A bad movie. Still Waiting is a great example of that. I made the mistake of renting it.
  4. R

    Why did blacks allow themselves to be enslaved and now today complain about it?

    If you meant before, "the white man" was superbly armed and well trained, Triangular Trade. They had no shot, same thing with the Conquistas of the America, the gun, a powerful tool.
  5. R

    What to global warming conspiracy theorists think of the discovery of an active

    so now Global Warming theories are regarded as conspiracy, whoa!
  6. R

    If I were a stupid moron hugging tree's and yelling at people in SUV's which

    none, you should go to a mental institution
  7. R

    Is Brock Lesnar The Next Big Thing in the UFC?

    If Mike Tyson was in his prime and joined UFC, he would kill Brock Lesnar in one punch.