Recent content by RadaS

  1. R

    Food Poisoning

    I had a bad stomach bug, and I had PBJ sammich before bed, woke up vomiting over the side of my bed, and it smelled like awful PBJ puke for weeks. FTMFL. Thank god it was in my old room in my attic.
  2. R

    Why are we shy?

    Love thy neighbour as thy friend
  3. R

    state of affairs....

    Do you seriously not know what the UN does? Tell me, in the bloody border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea what other organization would have the legitimacy to intervening, certainly not the US! The UN has been successfully keeping the peace for almost a decade. When the US turned its back...
  4. R

    mushrooms in mah shit

    o thx 4 taht litl tidbit o' wisdom :dodgy:
  5. R

    Do you/ Would you trash talk in the middle of fight?

    Nope. Not only does it show a lack of class but once you start running your mouth you not only slow your reactions slightly (as you will concentrate on what you're saying even to a slight degree) but getting hit with your jaw open is an easy knockout. Don't be a twit, keep your mouth shut. Let...
  6. R

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Not at 2200hrs in a bar it isn't! Reasons have to be environmentally consistent " totality of circumstances"
  7. R

    Opinion of Previous users Avatar

    What a waste of a perfectly good piece of paper
  8. R

    Shooting in Texas

    It is a wonderful discussion, and one that certainly could be beneficial, but perhaps you should just read the thread again and realize that many are offended by your approach at this point, so rather than beating the same drum take a step back, reconsider and deliver your message again once...
  9. R

    Seeking male opinions

    After careful consideration I have to go with the US ad - largely because the music was better. Additionally it covered more themes, but it was 2-1/2 times longer. Overall I found it more stirring, with more emphasis on "what the army can make you".
  10. R

    American Millitary Vs. American Millitary

    havent you guys ever seen mission immposssible its tom cruise dur :dodgy:
  11. R

    Beyonce is gorgeous...

    she is beautiful and a gr8 singer, dont like the screeching in some of her songs though.
  12. R

    When is the right time to have kids?

    My wife and myself are also both very carreer driven. She wants to become a lawyer, I have a few options I want to persue as well but I'm not so hard charged in one area just yet. Both of us agree that starting towards our 30's is a better option. A child is a financial and emotional...
  13. R

    First female 4 star general

  14. R

    If you had $1,000,000...

  15. R

    Now that the "recovery" is stalled by looming tax hikes, will Dems admit

    ..What a joke...the Recovery is based on only 1/2 has been spent because BHO is saving it to instill it when he wants to be re-elected...after all he is living the life of Riley...vacation every week at someone elses expense. King Obama will find out soon enough that "let them eat cake" will not...