Recent content by Pyromaniac

  1. P

    Can i activate Windows on my Pc?

    i just reformatted my Pc and my friend lent me a windows Xp home edition disk. Online i got a serial number for windows xp and it worked fine. but now windows wants me to ativate it, i only have 30 days. what would happen if i did, because its not my serial number? -Cheers
  2. P

    If I attach a hang glider to the top of my bike and drove it off my

    what will happen? well you'll be having a trip to the hospital for being injured... bright side of this they'll probably have a story about you on the 6:00 news.......
  3. P

    Can fat people go skinny-dipping?

    well technically for them its chunky dunking
  4. P

    Did I poison myself?

    yes you poisened yourself but not to a great extent, if it doesnt get worse you should be fine, if it does then go to the ER
  5. P

    How do I get my mom to let me live with my dad?

    My parents had gotten divorced a year ago and I live with my mom in Arizona but she has gotten very tempermental and exagerates greatly on the small things I do and makes a far larger deal out of it than it really is. She takes out her anger on me yelling at me all the time. Its very stressful...