Recent content by punch

  1. P

    Proof of ancient prophecy Atheist you cannot ignore this.?

    You proved nothing but you opinion. Thats the thing about prophecy, you can make it fit almost anything you want.
  2. P

    Do you agree that, for years, Christians in the US have been violating the

    They really don't know what's IN the constitution. They prove that everyday in the things that they say. So I'm not really surprised. I am surprised that the atheists got a "victory" on this despite the constitution.
  3. P

    Why do religion-hating athiests like to debate about religion so much?

    I don't hate religion. I hate people who use religion as an excuse to hate. I don't really care. I just want the freedom to have my beliefs, (non-beliefs) and not be demonized for them.
  4. P

    Atheists, is it possible you have been sold a fantasy about a bright future

    Evidence. Fantasy's don't have evidence.
  5. P

    R&P: Quiz Inside: Which Iron Maiden B-Side Are You?

    This is a tribute to Killer Peaches your wish? my command Quiz Link Above Which Iron Maiden B-Side is Punch? More Tea Vicar You are the central focus of every gathering of...
  6. P

    Aren't you glad Jesus Christ exists?

  7. P

    Are there any organizations that focus on stopping the forcing of religion on people?

    Freedom From Religion Foundation.
  8. P

    Why do the atheists answer always in religion and spirituality always...?

    Always? Really, man. Even I don't have enough time to do this always.
  9. P

    How do you argue with this kind of logic?

    Doesn't believe in the rules of the earth? Bet he doesn't have that much problem with following them. He really doesn't have a choice! "You can't convince a believer of anything: for their belief is not based on evidence (or logic), it's based on a deep seated need to believe."
  10. P

    Atheists: Isn't your presence in R&S like someone walking by a Santa Meet N' Greet

    Would I really have to tell an adult that? Children can have their fantasies, after all, they're children.
  11. P

    Why not establish one world religion and be done with it?

    So a dictatorship is OK? Was if the Muslims think that there religion is the right one and airdrop Korans?
  12. P

    My LG rumor froze??!?

    I was on the internet looks for games and then i got a text, so when it came up i clicked back so i could go back tot he internet, but it said that it couldnt find the web page. so i clicked end and nothing happened. i plugged it in and nothing happened. it wont turn off or when i slide it...
  13. P

    county music ringtones for my htc smartphone?

    free ringtones and free music for my phone
  14. P

    Even with all the modern gadgets why are people of the west still so depressed?

    I don't think that many people in under developed and poor 3rd world keep breeding happy people. Or why else would they all want to come here? Besides, starving and living in a shack doesn't make one happy. It's a pretty miserable experience. Not happy at all.
  15. P

    Does Barrack Osama Believe in Jesus Christ?

    He's a Christian, not a Muslim. And surprise! Muslims do believe in Jesus. And it's the people who keep spreading this rumor about him being a Muslim, and playing "loose" with his name, that are not true Christians. I know, I know. The truth hurts.