Recent content by psycomathesaurus

  1. P

    Post Your Desktop

    Cheeky! I bet you still clicked on his nose though didn't you.You know you did!
  2. P

    New Car

    [No message]
  3. P

    "I am so random"

    "I am so random" :D Love her.
  4. P

    Your .02 on anti-immigration laws.

    Something people are missing, again, the issue is ILLEGAL immigrants. Not legal immigrants. Legal immigrants are welcome to the USA. Illegals are not. There is a reason it's illegal and that they are referred to as illegal immigrants. They broke the law. What is so hard to understand about that?
  5. P

    cool story bro ;)

    it's because people see a meme or what ever else one of the chans has produced and gone "HAHAHAH LOLZOLZ if I do this on the forum I go to ppl will tink I'm soooo cool!!11!". Problem is hundreds of people saw it on the chans so they all come post it here, then idiots here copy to fit in, that's...
  6. P

    To all people going to college...

    Go to college, you lazy dumbass.
  7. P

    Split- US Donations

    It takes years to build and outfit a ship, when war comes you will make do with your serving (already ridiculously oversized) fleet.
  8. P

    X-Men Round Up

    In the case of Wolverine, wouldn't he go weak If his abilities repaired his muscles stopping the usual tears in the muscle fibres making them grow back bigger And Cyclops! well, he should have spent all his journeys eating pie!
  9. P

    US support for the war in Iraq collapsing

    intelligence has been wrong, and i agree we didnt find any nukes, i consider any sort of biological weaposn a far more frightening proposition (I even dislike that -we- have stockpiles of it) it just irritates me that people latch onto one specific reason such as "we went tehre for the nukes" or...
  10. P

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    quite so, old chaps. *puts on monocle*
  11. P

    Using propaganda.

    Put me down as anti unjust wars. regards koyo
  12. P

    Death penalty

    Many US states have abolished the death penalty. (I think one or two never had it, but I wouldn't swear to that.) I suspect that the deep south would probably be the last place to repeal it - if they ever do. I think the death penalty and gun ownership is tied in with the legacy of being a...
  13. P

    to buy or not to buy

    Find something that doesn't scream "I'm trying too hard".