Recent content by Prophet

  1. P

    The thing about females...

    Is it wrong that i get turned on by this? Im getting so be willing to lose my head just for a fondle...
  2. P

    Ill Song!

  3. P

    utorrent and bit torrent aren't connecting to peers?

    I just got a new laptop, and and neither bit torrent, or utorrent are connecting to peers. i've disabled my firewall, and have tried multiple sites. any suggestions? i'm using windows 8 on a samsung
  4. P

    Do you like the person above you?

    I couldn't say.
  5. P

    Global Warming Caused by the Rich

    then I don't understand your point... pre-tax, the UK has the cheapest petrol in Europe... with tax it's one of the most expensive in the world. How does it not make a difference?
  6. P

    So i need...

    ummm... you do know you have to be 18 to join the armed forces, right? you can sigh and 17, but you don't seem that bright. you could aply for target testing, like how bullets effect human bodies.
  7. P

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    my poor shuttle PC is getting too hot
  8. P

    Women in the Infantry

    I haven't really been posting in this thread because I feel the initial statements for credible debate have been stated, and I'm waiting the required time to see the initial results from the women who are currently going through OIC. Even after that, one run through is still not enough in my...
  9. P

    The England Queen

  10. P

    Christians, is Obama the Anti-Christ?

    No, it will be a supernatural being.
  11. P

    Anyone up for Mornington Crescent ??

    This is important, is your mirkin oiled? It effects scoring you know.
  12. P

    How did you find faith in Christ?

    Touched by the Holy Spirit.