Recent content by PROMISE

  1. P

    US Gas Prices

    What circumstances?
  2. P

    chicago psp

    I nominate u for king of ST, failure edition
  3. P

    Star dies in monstrous explosion!!!

    Slip, great picture. I took some astronomy is under great, so yeah, that explosion happened a LONG time ago. Makes you really wonder about our place in the universe, what if there was life on any nearby planets or solar systems. Hmmmm...... Can't you just picture little aliens doing Tai Chi?
  4. P

    The 20 dollar challenge.

    This is incredibly stupid. Those of us who already practice frugality find no challenge here. You have lost my respect. -CC
  5. P

    The dilema thread

    i knew i'd be the only one using this thread, but i dont carfe, it serves its purpose for my whinging. ok, so heres the low-down: my bf has gone away for 3 weeks on a tour of europe with a few mates. before he left i made him promise that he would ring me once a week. his dad bought him some...
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    Syria-Possible Sarin use

    White phosphorous is not considered a banned chemical weapon like sarin gas is. It's very different than sarin gas, both in how it's treated in international law and in how it's deployed. It's not a poison gas that creeps through a neighborhood killing every living thing. It's a very...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    anything to get you out of that sports bra? /moi moment
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    Thread split: cross-dressing and homosexuals

    Reading all that gender theory junk in college has to be put to good use once in a while
  9. P

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    Do you think that there is a difference between making jokes about blondes and making them about redheads?
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    Obama vs. McCain

    No kidding. This is by far the worst 2 candidates to have to choose from in my lifetime. If either one wins we're screwed. At this point all I can do is hope the Mayan calander is correct and the world ends in 2012 so neither of them can get re-elected.
  11. P

    incredible origami site

    check the links at this site for some of the most impressive origami i have ever seen. the links are in japanese but just click around. if you can not see it i have included a few images from the site.
  12. P

    Single Parent Dating Help? New BF introduced to 1 year old daughter?

    I have left my daughters father during pregnancy. It was a very tough and hard relationship that left me to take care of my daughter by herself. Her father does not play any part of my daughters life (deadbeat). Luckily, I found love again with my current boyfriend. We have been dating for a few...
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    Back to the gold standard

    I would only accept payment in gold or Silver or another physical asset . The dollar is backed by what? last time I looked all the US had was $15 trillion dollars of bad debt and a burgeoning welfare system. Why would I want that type of risk? the dollar is only a promissory note, and given the...
  14. P

    AUSSIES, I need help-Thinking about Australia.

    Why would you go live somewhere you've never visited? Seriously... if you're planning on living somewhere... do some recon first and go visit the place. You may get there and find you hate it... if you up and move there sight unseen you could find yourself in a drag of a situation. Get over...