Recent content by Princess_obsessive

  1. P

    Find the weirdest/coolest expensive shit on ebay

    I have been looking for undies to store my dildo, thank you.
  2. P

    The World Cup

    being out of shape!
  3. P

    best cover

    I love this Umbrella Rock VERSION - YouTube
  4. P

    The real Elizabeth Bathory?

    No im not advocating vindication. Did i say i did? I just question whether the story is entirely authentic. Did you not understand that? You're no genius yourself obviously. if you don't like this thread then stay out of it.
  5. P

    Could you kill someone?

    But I really am a 6'5 350lb serial killing millionaire.
  6. P

    I am better than you because...

    To get back to the subject: I'm better than you because I'm 7'0 and 200kgs. I lied about being a flyweight woman.
  7. P

    Talk with bucket?

    zomg You: dude. Bucket: Turnaround, every now and then got married to some dude in the butt.
  8. P

    fear of the future

    never really paid attn.
  9. P

    Scratch and wins?

    I won $500.00 on three different occasions $200, and $250 a couple different times, $50.00 and $100 alot of different times, but probably put as much in as I got out unfortunately.... The way to do it is save up and buy an entire pack of them, select one kind that you like and buy the entire pack..
  10. P

    Downloading slows my Internet?

    my internet stays fast for the first few days of the month then it goes slow as. i know thats because of the amount I'm permitted to download or so i think so. :/ i was wondering what kind of internet activities are considered "downloading" apart from things like downloading music/videos on...
  11. P

    internet relationship turns bad?

    if you haven't been on cam with him, then maybe he isn't who he says he is. and if you have then maybe he just nervous that you wont like him in real life. try to talk to him and tell him its no pressure but if you want to meet and and he wants to keep it stricktly internet then just move on...
  12. P

    how can you tell if a man is flirting with you on the internet?

    i met him at the airport and we had 2 hours together talking and stuff, we exchanged email addresses and have been talking since last October. he has my myspace and we also talk there. as he lives in another country and the time differences are so bad we don't get to talk on MSN much but when we...