Recent content by povotheplayerofpranks

  1. P

    Street Names??!

    8th ave (oh so orginal) This forum requires that you wait 45 seconds between posts. Please try again in 3 seconds. edit: I forgot that the road that connects my street to the world is county highway 666 :nododgy:... only if I lived there.
  2. P

    Did anyone remember?

    I didn't offer advice- I was simply pointing out the point that you had clearly missed.
  3. P

    If you could combine any 2 animals...

    Bear-Gorilla, It'd be the ultimate killing machine.
  4. P

    Lightsaber noises

    to what slindsay said: LOL! to the topic: ROFFLES!!! ** damn cheap piece of crap.
  5. P

    Best comeback evar!

    win /thread everyone stop posting
  6. P

    Hot chicks with douche bags

    I read this as "hot chicks with double chins". What a letdown.
  7. P

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Thats because they do not have Liberals controlling the mass media
  8. P

    [for fun] the mythology of MAP

    Only if I give him permission! You will go far in life, young man!
  9. P


  10. P

    Adventures in the NHS...

    There's a hospital not too far from me on Rake Lane. Locals call it "Mistake Lane" as urban legend has it that they have messed up on a number of ocassions...
  11. P

    Japan quake

  12. P

    Courage knows no gender.

    Oh, and this is why people must carry guns, to clap on fools who think it's a big deal to shoot up a place with many unarmed people. Thank heavens this clown walked right into some shells.
  13. P

    Excitement Thread.

    I drink Gin and Juice.
  14. P


    Typical Zionist lies, eh? :laugh:
  15. P

    Guessing game

    Thanks man, had to put our motto there :tup: