Recent content by pomegranatepants

  1. P

    Teen Pregnancy

    Oh, so that is what we are guilty off. Funny, I thought religion was one of the major points why this discussion even came up slipthejab. I'm sorry if I seem so anti-religious to you, would you have preferred if I would have agreed to every single argument of yohan, baikaiguy and JoeGA because...
  2. P

    The Confession Thread

    teach us ooo wish one
  3. P

    Do women have longer legs?

    kp you are a tower of beauty
  4. P

    School students saved when assualt weapon jams on would be killer

    Jeez you love to beat the obvious to death don't you. What bcullen is referring to is that the victims are in general random (given the parameters of the location... eg. school/workplace etc). Meaning that many of the victims didn't have any real beef with the shooter - other than that hey...
  5. P

    Medi has passed away.

    This is not cool. I come back from a long hiatus only to discover this...
  6. P

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Women's "logic" I offered to buy mrs koyo a top for the hot weather. She grabbed two.(different colours) I pointed out that she had two........ "It's NOT two it's one of each!!!!!!!!!!!!!" confused koyo
  7. P

    I will make a video of me doing whatever ST says.

    lol yes i think you should build an extravagant Rube Goldburg to do something little like light a cig for you
  8. P

    Telepathy , telepathy is possible???

    Is that Rosie Palm and her 5 sisters? I believe in the many worlds theory of physics and what we have here is simply bleed over from our other selves in other universes. I don't understand why science doesn't investigate this, oh wait, they are in a different universe. If there are an...
  9. P

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    You are very good looking. :tup:
  10. P

    American medicine system

    You Wascally Wabbit, tricks are for kids! Encase you didn't already know I'm American, I don't know what goes on over in England or Canada, so I'm only commenting on what's happening on this side of the pond and south of the boarder. Thomas and Mike have already told you that everyone is...
  11. P

    Post Conundrums here:)

    Now that one I DO like.
  12. P

    Open your mind

  13. P

    Seal Culls

    Something I meant to post quite a while ago, but I didn't have the time to revive this thread: To all those that jump on the bandwaggon of the fact that Harp Seals deplete the cod supply, and therefore the cull is necessary to maintain a strong economy, I will remind you that Cod make up...
  14. P

    So, George Bush...

    He was an average student in High School. It just so happens that his family was wealthy and well-connected.
  15. P

    ST photobucket

    lol @ racist folder...