Recent content by plum

  1. P

    Iran calls for Israel to be wiped off the map.

    *shakes head*
  2. P

    A Need for Violence

    OK, that makes sense then. It just confused me that you said it was for psychology class but it didn't have a lot of psychological content. Nothing else wrong with it as far as I'm concerned.
  3. P

    Most powerful in the world?

    I would disagree with Russia, instead put China in.
  4. P

    The Confession Thread

    I better make a confession now, don't wanna pretend I ain't got something to confess. Okay, I ate all the Ferrero rocher. The whole tin of 6. I said I wouldn't. Hell I vowed. And I did. Don't laugh, this is a serious confession, that tasty crap is expensive.
  5. P

    Argument help

    I didn't use a translator. Je parle francais et toi? baisez-vous ^^ That is wrong. Allez vous faire foutre! Connard.
  6. P

    Dangerous Dog Act

    Good stuff. Comments like that are doing no good for the discussion at hand. Thanks saz
  7. P

    Funniest Person

    ....... I would bang him if you catch my drift.
  8. P

    Red Or Brown???????

    Hp all the time. Though on occassion I have salad cream on my chips.
  9. P

    act differently to family??

    does anyone else in here act totally differently to your family than to your friends? my brother, sister, and I do. and its kinda weird
  10. P

    Things that make you go AHHHHHHH

    We all have a weakness...
  11. P

    TV kills !!

    I'm freaked out of what ideas people come up with these days.
  12. P

    Do You Think Gay People Should Have Special Rights?

    And MANewbie can spend his time licking his wounds from this severe bitch slapping.
  13. P

    does he like me or is he interested in me?

    it depends what he is texting u t could just be a friendship
  14. P

    What would Will Rogers post in senior sections?

    "There's at least one rotten apple in every barrel"