Recent content by pjpackers

  1. P

    Atheists is your current trend along the lines of apologetics,where science is your

    Bible? You blindly follow the teaching no matter how abstract or bazaar in the belief you have it correct,when it the standard changes you then say it is the scientific model. you say Christians flip flop, Are you hypocrites ? You put faith in science hope in it, We put hope in Christ in...
  2. P

    Any theists with the gift of insight, intuition or prophecy?

    Eat the Brazilian there nuts are good.
  3. P

    would some accommodating religious nutjob give us atheists an example of a

    Jesus was written about in Psalm 22 1000 years before his birth. All came to pass many he had no control over. The world was changed. If no God and no Jesus why the change in the disciples and others? Why does Christianity still exist if built on a lie? For me faith is the proof and all I...
  4. P

    What is the worst sci-fi movie you ever watched?

    Mine was Amazon women of Mars
  5. P

    Is Obama truly a Christian?

    Abortion issue Right to life gathering info On people who disagree with health care reform. Who is this guy? Pray for leaders absoutley I pray he is impeached! Mine too Chris! I will not quit this gut is not who he appears to be. Revoulution #2? Yes it matters,is America really getting better...
  6. P

    Seeing religion is all about the afterlife is there a point to life before death?

    The afterlife is the reward for a life well spent here. Christ gives life and gives it abundantly.
  7. P

    Is america's battle against islam resembling rome's battle against christianity

    God already won the battle will be played out victor already decided,Christ wins.
  8. P

    anglo americans cling to religion, chinese are athiest and morally superior in...

    Interesting my wife is Christian and Chinese. Many believers even in China want to see persecution of Christians look their and many other countries! Pray for them those that believe.
  9. P

    Is there a conspiracy to dominate economic,religious and enslave mankind for...

    ...the rich? If so what proof do you have? How long has this been going on?
  10. P

    Who can define infinity for me? Who can define God?

    We all know the theory of infinity,but define it. way to avoid the God question. Cannot know is good answer,unless revealed to you as it has to Luc Exactly you cannot define the things that cannot be defined. Romans 1v19 Since what may be known about God is plain to them because...
  11. P

    what are some other crazy conspiracies like project bluebeam?

    Evolution as science! Trans Mutation variety.
  12. P

    why are religions more interested in teaching people more about life...

    Well as Christ said I came that they might have life and have it abundantly(full and meaning full) Both are a reward!
  13. P

    Question for you thinkers is Religion and Philosophy tied together or is there...

    ...a split between them? I totally agree with some of you ! you can't sererate the two,Philosophy attemts to explain why and how we are! Christianity suceeds!
  14. P

    Which religion matches my beliefs?

  15. P

    Our pastor drives a Lexus; isn't that weird?

    Your Pastors wife may have a well paying job or someone donated the car to him there are many possibilities. In a good church they will have a statement of where money is going and to who if they don't find a better church that does and is accountable to God and congregation.