Recent content by pianolovermegan1632

  1. P

    Andy Dick arrested (sexual battery charges on 17year old)

    temper i got banned for bypassing the filter of the world. check the ban log
  2. P

    Rolls not Buns!

    Or is it peacocks you aren't allowed to kill as they belong to the Queen?
  3. P

    Dangerous Dog Act

    I dont think most people realise just how destructive Pitt Bulls can be ? My Dad used to a have a Pitt Bull Staff cross, everyone thought she was a lovelly dog, then she started to eat through doors when she was locked in, she ate the skirting board down to the brickwork. She was only small...
  4. P

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    I think its the other way around, SA and Israel has the US on a leash. It seems everytime they make a request, our politicians are lining up to grant it. Saudi Arabia I can understand, at least they have something we need in oil, but Israel? I just don't get it. Other than our old guilt from...
  5. P

    "decency" of dress

    "decency" of dress This is the way I see it: During summer time, the only reason I even bother to wear shorts is because I don't own a loincloth. If I held women to any higher quota of "decency" than I hold myself, it would be a double standard, wouldn't it?
  6. P

    The Gallon Challenge

    wtf, you're a water pokemon bitch. bulbasaur kicks your ass, shut the fuck up. as for the gallon challenge. good damn luck to you on that one..
  7. P

    Emergency Aid to Earthquake/Tsunami Victims

    Cheers all - everything helps! I've just updated the graphic on the hompage. £350 / $670 so far w00t w00t! Reckon we can hit £2000?
  8. P

    I feel

    Make someone punch you hard in the bladder, that will show that stupid bastard.
  9. P

    Change the song name

    Feel the Universe - Juno Reactor
  10. P

    The password is....

  11. P

    Strange dreams are happening...

    What the? The girls of MAP will confirm my baller status and thereby absolve me of these wild accusations... I saw that in 'An American Werewolf in London'
  12. P

    How to assess a fight situation

    It sounds like your friend was just interviewed for violence by two idiots looking for an excuse to prove to each other how tough they were. The best strategy is probably to help your friend recognize that ego-driven reactions to such situations are merely following the aggressor's intended...
  13. P

    Employers and Facebook
  14. P

    Got Snow?

  15. P

    Like this sad poem?

    its amazing did you write it?