Recent content by PHALLOPHOBIA

  1. P

    P&S: Can you ride a bike with no handlebars?

    For A while, Then I Fall And Roll Like James Bond (: ?
  2. P

    Can anyone help me? females only please.?

    Yes Yes When Your About to Start Your Period. You Become "Wet" And Continuously Produce This Until Eventually You Stop Producing The Discharge And Then You Will Have Your Period. Your Mum Is Right It Is Part Of Growing Up And No Doubt Your Also Starting Puberty. Don't Worry Everyone Goes...
  3. P

    What Symptoms do you have before you start your first period?

    You Breasts Become a tad sore
  4. P

    What Symptoms do you have before you start your first period?

    You Breasts Become a tad sore
  5. P

    Am i Paranoid About my legs?

    I think my legs are a tad to large or fat for the rest of my body, and i want to make them thinner... how do i do this? i'll try anything. i've also got i think stretch marks that i want to remove Do i just use bio oil and products simular to that?