Recent content by PeterParker

  1. P

    Straight Razors and Shaving Badgers

    Badgers?! We don' need no stinking badgers! (Don't know about shaving badgers, but me and the beav are keeping our distance from the likes of you badger shavers.)
  2. P

    Pokemon Red or Blue?

  3. P

    Did YOU watch the shooting stars?

    I thought it was at first haha
  4. P

    Clique 09

    Don't think he wants to :emo:
  5. P

    Isreal denies access to higher education.

    Hahahaha...oh this is rich...
  6. P

    updated gore thread *NEW PICS*

    the last pic looks like a penis
  7. P

    The Ultimate Sandwich thread!

    lol dont be jealous
  8. P

    Best kids show theme tune?

    inspector gadget hands down
  9. P

    Is it normal for my penis to do this?

    My penis is glowing like they are a light in it. And it has been flashing different colors. It does this every now and then so I wasn't really worried. But now it starting to make beeping nosies. Does anyone else have this problem?
  10. P

    Whats the name of this movie?

    Its about a ship named the Titanic, and its based on a true story. The ship hits a ice burg and sinks. They are a love story between 2 characters in the movie. I think they died at the end. Does anyone know the name of this movie?
  11. P

    Anyone know a place where i torrent the full season of the Monster anime in

    here you go. .
  12. P


    he strangled the man with the chain and took his wallet?
  13. P

    Anyone else have bad experiences with these?

    My eyes don't even get blood shot when I smoke :tup:
  14. P

    Near Death Experiences

    Almost getting hit by a bus. True story.