Recent content by Persin

  1. P

    How to throw a party and keep everybody outdoors?

    I would do a complete lock down and maybe invest in a rental port-a-potty? If not the bush it. Just make sure you let people know ahead of time so they know what to expect.
  2. P

    Should I sell my Nintendo 3DS for an Iphone 4?

    Personally, I wouldn't. I have the iPhone 4 and there is so many bugs its ridiculous and I regret ever paying for it. iPhones are over rated. I would keep the 3DS and wait until you are financial able to buy an iPod touch instead. Not only that but the new Pokemon games coming out and if you're...
  3. P

    Should I sell my Nintendo 3DS for an Iphone 4?

    Personally, I wouldn't. I have the iPhone 4 and there is so many bugs its ridiculous and I regret ever paying for it. iPhones are over rated. I would keep the 3DS and wait until you are financial able to buy an iPod touch instead. Not only that but the new Pokemon games coming out and if you're...